Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. R-629-18 Which Established County Policy That Prohibited Certain County Subsidies Related To The Design And Construction Of The American Dream Miami Project



Whereas, On May 17, 2018, This Board Adopted Resolution No. R-629-18, Which Established County Policy To Prohibit Certain County Subsidies Related To The Design Or Construction Of The American Dream Miami Project; And Whereas, Specifically, Resolution No. R-629-18 Set County Policy That The County Not Enter Into An Agreement To Provide Any County Financing, County Grant, County-Funded Loan Or Subsidy, Or Any Similar County Program Of Any Kind To Fund The Design Or Construction Of Improvements Related To The American Dream Miami Project, Whether Onsite Or Offsite; And Whereas, Resolution No. R-629-18 Also Provided That The County Would Not Approve Tax Increment Financing (Tif), Payment In Lieu Of Taxes, Short-Term Or Long-Term Real Estate Or Sales Tax Exemption Or Tax Reduction, Bond Financing, Grants, Loans Or Subsidies To Fund The Design Or Construction Of Improvements Related To The Above-Mentioned American Dream Miami Project; And Whereas, The County Policies Set By Resolution No. R-629-18 Are Restrictions On The County Itself, And The County Creating These Types Of Formal Restrictions On Itself May Not Be Typical; And Whereas, Rescinding Resolution No. R-629-18 May Provide Greater Flexibility Related To The Development Of The American Dream Miami Project And May Potentially Increase Opportunities Related To Development And Infrastructure In The Surrounding Area; And Whereas, Accordingly, This Board Wishes Rescind Resolution No. R-629-18, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The Board Of County Commissioners Of Miami-Dade County, Florida, That: Section 1. The Foregoing Recitals Are Hereby Approved And Incorporated Herein. Section 2. This Board Hereby Rescinds Resolution No. R-629-18.

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AI Summary: The bill is a resolution aimed at rescinding Resolution No. R-629-18, which previously prohibited certain county subsidies for the American Dream Miami Project's design and construction. The original resolution restricted the county from providing various forms of financial support for the project, including financing, grants, loans, tax incentives, and subsidies. The current bill seeks to remove these restrictions to offer greater flexibility in developing the project and potentially increasing development and infrastructure opportunities in the surrounding area. By rescinding Resolution No. R-629-18, the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County, Florida aims to eliminate these constraints on county subsidies related to the American Dream Miami Project.

Latest Action: Amended (Action By: Chairmans Policy Council & Intergov. Affairs Cmte.)

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Actions (4):

  • 7/8/2024 : Amended (Action By: Chairmans Policy Council & Intergov. Affairs Cmte.)

  • 3/11/2024 : Deferred (Action By: Chairmans Policy Council & Intergov. Affairs Cmte.)

  • 3/8/2024 : Additions (Action By: Office Of The Chairperson)

  • 3/7/2024 : Assigned (Action By: County Attorney)

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