Last Updated on 04/14/2022
While Using WikiXM, you agree that you will not engage in any of the following activities which are against our WikiXM Guidelines.
Don't target anyone and post negative about them.
To speak in an aggressive, angry, frustrated way towards individuals or others.
Zero tolerance for racism or discrimination of any kind.
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The use of force coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominates, or intimidate often in a repetitive manner.
A category of speech unprotected by the First Amendment. Deals with prohibiting lewd, filthy, or disgusting words or pictures.
Intensionally antagonizing others, individually or in groups, by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content not part of the subject topic.
Be who you are! Say what you think in a manner as you would in a public setting around others.