30K Local USA towns - Your town's local & breaking news source featuring Alerts, Weather, Sports, Entertainment, Politics, Business, Health & more.

About WikiXM

WikiXM is a locally formatted news platform providing local people the ability to read and report the news that is important to them and the communities they live in. The WikiXM platform enables locals to read and moderate the news as they see fit.Every community is different with differing viewpoints and events going on that make each community unique. WikiXM wants to bring those things that make each community unique to the world. WikiXM is your news - your way.

How to get your town live?

WikiXM will be opening up in your town soon. Go to your town and request your town's news today.

Find your town at the top of the page on the “Pick Town” button. Request to activate your town and then send the link to everyone you know to get your towns news activated today. Once your town hits the required Founding members your town will go live! You can start writing articles today!

Find your town!
