The bill commends Taiwan for its strong relations with the United States and the State of Alabama. It highlights Taiwan's positive contributions and partnership with both entities. The main purpose is to acknowledge and appreciate the relationship between Taiwan, the U.S., and Alabama. The bill does not propose any significant impacts or changes but serves as a symbolic gesture of support and recognition for Taiwan's diplomatic ties with the United States and Alabama.
2024-04-04: Received in the House and referred to the House committee on RULES
2024-04-04: Pending House RULES
2024-04-11: Reported Out of Committee House of Origin
2024-04-11: Reported from RULES from House RULES
2024-04-11: Lovvorn motion to Adopt - Adopted Voice Vote
2024-04-11: Reported from RULES from House RULES
2024-04-11: Lovvorn motion to Adopt - Adopted Voice Vote
2024-04-16: Received in the Senate and referred to the Senate committee on RULES
2024-04-16: Pending Senate RULES
2024-04-24: Reported Out of Committee Second House
2024-04-25: Reported from RULES from Senate RULES
2024-04-25: Ready to Enroll
2024-04-25: Enrolled
2024-04-30: Delivered to Governor
2024-05-07: Enacted
2024-05-07: Enacted
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