2024-02-06: Received in the House and referred to the House committee on RULES
2024-02-06: Pending House RULES
2024-02-20: Reported Out of Committee House of Origin
2024-02-20: Reported from RULES from House RULES
2024-02-20: Lovvorn motion to Adopt - Adopted Voice Vote
2024-02-20: Received in the Senate and referred to the Senate committee on RULES
2024-02-20: Pending Senate RULES
2024-02-21: Reported Out of Committee Second House
2024-02-29: Reported from RULES from Senate RULES
2024-02-29: Ready to Enroll
2024-02-29: Enrolled
2024-02-29: Delivered to Governor
2024-03-05: Enacted
2024-03-05: Enacted
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