The bill aims to honor Ralph Wilcox and the Division of Arkansas Heritage for their efforts in preserving the remaining structures and history of Rosenwald Schools in Arkansas. The Rosenwald Schools were significant in African American education during segregation. This recognition highlights the importance of preserving these historical sites and acknowledges the contributions made towards their conservation.
2024-04-04: Filed
2024-04-10: Read the first time, rules suspended, read the second time and referred to the Committee on HOUSE MANAGEMENT
2024-04-15: Returned by the Committee Do Pass
2024-04-16: Read and adopted and ordered transmitted to the Senate.
2024-04-16: Received from the House.
2024-04-16: Read the first time, rules suspended, read the second time and placed on the calendar.
2024-04-25: Resolution read and concurred in.
2024-04-25: Returned To the House as concurred in.
2024-04-25: TO BE ENROLLED
2024-04-25: Correctly enrolled and ordered transmitted to the Governor's Office.
2024-04-30: Approved by the Governor
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