The Rio San José and Rio Jemez Water Settlements Act of 2023 aims to resolve water rights claims of the Pueblos of San Ildefonso, Nambe, Pojoaque, and Tesuque in New Mexico. The bill provides for the quantification and allocation of water rights among these tribes, addressing their current and future water needs. It also establishes a framework for managing water resources in the region to ensure sustainable use and protect tribal interests. This legislation will have a significant impact on securing water rights for the tribes involved and promoting long-term water security in the area.
2023-03-01: Introduced in House
2023-03-01: Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.
2023-03-22: Referred to the Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries.
2024-07-23: Subcommittee Hearings Held
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