The bill establishes a fund using solar royalties to benefit county residents. It aims to distribute financial benefits from solar energy projects among local communities. The main provision is the allocation of royalties generated from solar projects to support residents in the affected counties. This bill seeks to ensure that local communities benefit economically from renewable energy initiatives, potentially leading to increased support for such projects and sustainable development in these areas.
2024-01-16: Introduced in House and read first time
2024-01-16: Assigned to House NREW Committee
2024-01-16: Assigned to House RULES Committee
2024-01-17: House read second time
2024-01-30: House NREW Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (5-4-0-0-0-0)
2024-02-12: House RULES Committee action: constitutional and in proper form, voting: (8-1-0-0-0-0)
2024-02-12: House consent calendar
2024-02-13: House majority caucus: Do pass
2024-02-13: House minority caucus: Do pass
2024-02-20: House Committee of the Whole action: Do Pass Amended
2024-02-29: House refer to additional Committee of the Whole
2024-02-29: House additional Committee of the Whole action: Do Pass Amended
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