The "Voting Systems" bill aims to enhance the security, integrity, and accessibility of voting systems in the United States. It includes provisions for cybersecurity measures to safeguard against hacking and tampering, requirements for paper ballot backups, funding for states to upgrade their voting infrastructure, and guidelines for post-election audits to verify results. The bill seeks to modernize voting technology and ensure that all eligible citizens can participate in elections without facing barriers. If enacted, this legislation would have a significant impact on election processes by promoting transparency, accuracy, and trust in the democratic system.
2023-11-07: Filed
2023-11-22: Referred to Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee
2023-11-22: Referred to State Affairs Committee
2023-11-22: Now in Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee
2024-01-09: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
2024-03-08: Died in Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee
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