The "Youth Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Pilot Program" is a federal bill aimed at implementing a program to help young individuals effectively resolve conflicts through peer mediation. The main provisions of the bill include establishing a pilot program focused on training youth in conflict resolution techniques, promoting peaceful solutions to disputes, and providing support for peer mediation initiatives. The significant impact of this bill is to empower young people with skills to manage conflicts in a constructive manner, potentially reducing violence and enhancing communication among youth.
2023-12-12: Filed
2023-12-27: Referred to Choice & Innovation Subcommittee
2023-12-27: Referred to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee
2023-12-27: Referred to Education & Employment Committee
2023-12-27: Now in Choice & Innovation Subcommittee
2024-01-09: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
2024-01-30: PCS added to Choice & Innovation Subcommittee agenda
2024-02-01: Favorable with CS by Choice & Innovation Subcommittee
2024-02-02: Reported out of Choice & Innovation Subcommittee
2024-02-02: Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)
2024-02-02: CS Filed
2024-02-05: Original reference removed: PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee
2024-02-05: Referred to Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee
2024-02-05: Referred to Education & Employment Committee
2024-02-05: Now in Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee
2024-02-05: 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)
2024-03-08: Died in Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee
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