This bill aims to provide a tax exemption for properties owned by religious institutions or societies when they are being used for educational purposes by a third party. The bill includes provisions for the effective date and retroactive applicability of this tax exemption. If passed, this bill would allow religious institutions to benefit from tax exemptions when their properties are utilized for educational activities by third parties, potentially impacting their financial obligations and encouraging more educational collaborations with these entities.
2024-01-17: Introduced, referred to Ways and Means. H.J. 97.
2024-01-24: Subcommittee: Boden, Kniff McCulla and Kurth. H.J. 132.
2024-01-29: Subcommittee Meeting: 01/31/2024 12:00PM House Lounge.
2024-01-31: Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 2-0.
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