The bill focuses on amending the adoption tax credit against individual income tax. It aims to adjust the provisions related to this tax credit. The main emphasis is on modifying the existing adoption tax credit and making it retroactively applicable. This bill, if passed, would impact individuals seeking tax credits for adoption expenses by potentially changing the eligibility criteria or the amount of credit available.
2024-01-31: Introduced, referred to Ways and Means. H.J. 168.
2024-02-08: Subcommittee: Siegrist, Jones and Kurth. H.J. 232.
2024-02-20: Subcommittee Meeting: 02/22/2024 12:00PM House Lounge.
2024-02-22: Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 3-0.
2024-02-28: Committee report, recommending passage. H.J. 453.
2024-02-28: Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HF 2637.
2024-03-11: Withdrawn. H.J. 565.
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