Mar 04, 2024 at 03:24am

Cops Need Reminding Who Pays Their Wages

Reporter: Pamela Bloem

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  • Cops are hired to protectand serve the citizens of the community
  • Cops wages are paid from citizens taxes
  • cops are becoming criminals by harassing and lying
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Cops are hired to protect and serve the citizens of the community, and to help us when we are in need of their assistance. But more cops are being aggressive, and deceptive, some have resorted to harassing and stalking innocent people, adding bogus charges, kidnapping (false arrest, illegally arrested), and lying to protect themselves. Some have searched homes and premises without warrants!  A lot of cops are thinking they are above the law. See this video on these bad cops who did not uphold the laws they were sworn to take.


A lot of cops don't know where their paycheck comes from or they have forgotten. Reminder, their paychecks come from the citizens who pay taxes!  We, citizens, are paying these cops to intimidate and use brutal force on ourselves.


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Opinion Reporter

Murray, KY

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