The bill aims to make changes to regulations concerning utilities. It likely includes provisions that impact how utilities are governed, operated, or regulated at the federal level. Specific details about the modifications and their potential impacts would need to be further specified for a more detailed summary.
2023-12-04: Prefiled (H)
2024-01-03: Read First Time (H)
2024-01-04: Read Second Time (H)
2024-01-25: Referred: Utilities(H)
2024-01-31: Public Hearing Completed (H)
2024-02-07: Executive Session Completed (H)
2024-02-07: Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
2024-02-08: Reported Do Pass - Consent (H) - AYES: 13 NOES: 0 PRESENT: 0
2024-02-08: Referred: Consent and House Procedure(H)
2024-02-20: Executive Session Completed (H)
2024-02-20: Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
2024-02-21: Reported Do Pass - Consent (H) - AYES: 8 NOES: 0 PRESENT: 0
2024-03-12: Perfected by Consent - Pursuant to House Rules (H)
2024-03-27: Placed on the Informal Third Reading Calendar (H)
2024-04-15: Placed Back on Third Reading Calendar (H)
2024-04-16: Placed on the Informal Third Reading Calendar (H)
2024-05-02: Placed Back on Third Reading Calendar (H)
2024-05-06: Placed on the Informal Third Reading Calendar (H)
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