Type: B Origin: House North Carolina Comments: 0

Jt Caucus For Idd/Omnibus

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The "Joint Caucus for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/Omnibus" bill aims to address issues related to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). It proposes various provisions to improve services, support, and research for this population. The bill seeks to enhance coordination among federal agencies, promote community integration, expand access to healthcare and education, and advance employment opportunities for individuals with IDD. Overall, the bill intends to enhance the quality of life and inclusion of individuals with IDD in society.

Bill Activity

  • 2024-05-02: Filed

  • 2024-05-06: Passed 1st Reading

  • 2024-05-06: Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House

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