Type: B Origin: House Pennsylvania Comments: 0

A Joint Resolution Proposing An Amendment To The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania, Further Providing For Courts To Be Open And Suits Against The Commonwealth.

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AI Summary

The joint resolution aims to amend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to ensure that courts remain open and accessible for suits against the state. This amendment emphasizes the importance of maintaining a fair and efficient judicial system for all citizens, including cases involving the Commonwealth. The proposed change seeks to uphold transparency, accountability, and justice in legal proceedings involving the state government.

Bill Activity

  • 2023-03-01: Referred to JUDICIARY

  • 2023-03-01: Reported as committed

  • 2023-03-01: First consideration

  • 2023-03-01: Laid on the table

  • 2023-03-02: Removed from table

  • 2023-03-13: Re-committed to JUDICIARY

  • 2023-04-21: Re-reported as committed

  • 2023-04-24: Second consideration

  • 2023-04-24: Re-committed to APPROPRIATIONS

  • 2023-04-25: Re-reported as committed

  • 2023-04-25: Third consideration and final passage (147-54)

  • 2023-04-25: In the Senate

  • 2023-05-08: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

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Text Versions (1)
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Amendments (3):
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