2023-01-24: Filed for introduction
2023-01-30: Intro., P1C.
2023-02-01: P2C, ref. to Education Administration
2023-02-01: Assigned to s/c K-12 Subcommittee
2023-02-15: Placed on s/c cal K-12 Subcommittee for 2/21/2023
2023-02-21: Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Education Administration
2023-02-22: Placed on cal. Education Administration for 3/1/2023
2023-03-01: Action def. in Education Administration to 3/8/2023
2023-03-01: Placed on cal. Education Administration for 3/8/2023
2023-03-08: Action def. in Education Administration to 3/15/2023
2023-03-08: Placed on cal. Education Administration for 3/15/2023
2023-03-15: No Action Taken
2023-03-15: Placed on cal. Education Administration for 3/22/2023
2023-03-22: Action def. in Education Administration to 3/29/2023
2023-03-22: Placed on cal. Education Administration for 3/29/2023
2023-03-27: Sponsor(s) Added.
2023-03-29: Sponsor(s) Added.
2023-03-29: No Action Taken
2023-03-30: Placed on cal. Education Administration for 4/5/2023
2023-04-05: Rec. for pass; ref to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee
2023-04-05: Assigned to s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee
2023-04-05: Placed on s/c cal Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee for 4/12/2023
2023-04-12: Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee
2023-04-12: Placed on cal. Finance, Ways, and Means Committee for 4/18/2023
2023-04-18: Rec. for pass; ref to Calendar & Rules Committee
2023-04-18: Placed on cal. Calendar & Rules Committee for 4/18/2023
2023-04-18: H. Placed on Consent Calendar 2 for 4/19/2023
2023-04-19: Comp. SB subst.
2023-04-19: Sponsor(s) Added.
2023-05-17: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 327
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