2022-11-14: Filed
2023-02-23: Read first time
2023-02-23: Referred to Public Education
2023-03-07: Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
2023-03-07: Considered in public hearing
2023-03-07: Testimony taken/registration(s) recorded in committee
2023-03-07: Left pending in committee
2023-03-14: Considered in public hearing
2023-03-14: Reported favorably w/o amendment(s)
2023-03-20: Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator
2023-03-20: Committee report distributed
2023-03-20: Committee report sent to Calendars
2023-04-13: Considered in Calendars
2023-05-06: Considered in Calendars
2023-05-09: Placed on General State Calendar
2023-05-10: Companion considered in lieu of SB 68
2023-05-10: Laid on the table subject to call
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