The bill "State Agency Application Review Requirements" aims to establish guidelines for state agencies when reviewing applications. It outlines specific criteria and procedures that must be followed during the application evaluation process. This legislation seeks to ensure transparency, fairness, and consistency in how state agencies assess applications. By setting clear standards, the bill intends to streamline the review process and enhance accountability within state agencies.
2024-01-10: Bill Numbered but not Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-10: Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-10: LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-15: LFA/ fiscal note sent to sponsor in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-15: LFA/ fiscal note publicly available in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-16: House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House
2024-01-16: House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in Clerk of the House
2024-01-16: House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee
2024-01-19: House/ to standing committee in House Government Operations Committee
2024-01-22: House Comm - Held in House Government Operations Committee
2024-02-26: House Comm - Returned to Rules in House Government Operations Committee
2024-02-26: House/ comm rpt/ sent to Rules in House Rules Committee
2024-03-01: House/ strike enacting clause in Clerk of the House
2024-03-01: House/ filed in House file for bills not passed
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