2024-01-04: Bill Numbered but not Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-04: Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-04: LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input in Legislative Research and General Counsel
2024-01-10: House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House
2024-01-11: LFA/ fiscal note publicly available in Clerk of the House
2024-01-16: House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in Clerk of the House
2024-01-16: House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee
2024-01-22: House/ to standing committee in House Business and Labor Committee
2024-02-27: House Comm - Returned to Rules in House Business and Labor Committee
2024-02-27: House/ comm rpt/ sent to Rules in House Rules Committee
2024-03-01: House/ strike enacting clause in Clerk of the House
2024-03-01: House/ filed in House file for bills not passed
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