The bill aims to adjust the eligibility criteria for certain school boards to receive additional funding based on the cost of living in their respective areas. It proposes changes to how cost-of-living adjustments are calculated and distributed to ensure that school boards facing higher costs due to local economic conditions receive appropriate financial support. The main provisions include revising the criteria for determining which school boards qualify for these adjustments and updating the methodology used to calculate the amount of additional funds they receive. This bill could have a significant impact on providing equitable resources to school districts with varying cost-of-living challenges.
2024-01-10: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24101331D
2024-01-10: Referred to Committee on Appropriations
2024-01-21: Assigned App. sub: Elementary & Secondary Education
2024-01-29: Subcommittee recommends continuing to 2025 by voice vote
2024-01-31: Continued to 2025 in Appropriations by voice vote
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