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World's Longest Floating Bridge, world record in Seattle, Washington

Reporter: Worldrecordacademy

 World's Longest Floating Bridge, world record in Seattle, Washington

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The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, also known as the 520 Bridge, is located in Seattle, Washington, and spans Lake Washington to connect the city to its eastern suburbs. The bridge opened in April 2016 and holds the world records for being both the longest and widest floating bridge globally. It replaced a previous floating bridge at the site that was shorter. The new Evergreen Point Floating Bridge is supported by 77 pontoons and has a length of 7,710 feet (2,350 m) and a width of 116 feet (35 m) at its midpoint. The bridge was built due to increasing population and traffic demands in the region. Additionally, UTRS provided corrosion control solutions for the bridge's construction, including cathodic protection design build for corrosion mitigation on various structures.

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