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Spokane Eyes Involuntary Treatment for Anyone Revived With Naloxone

Reporter: Filtermag

 Spokane Eyes Involuntary Treatment for Anyone Revived With Naloxone

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The City Council of Spokane, Washington, has proposed making the administration of naloxone automatic grounds for mandatory treatment, specifically targeting individuals without housing. The council unanimously approved Resolution 2024-0031 to address overdoses and called for improved reporting on overdose data. An amendment to amend House Bill 1713 (Ricky's Law) would presume that naloxone administration indicates a substance abuse addiction warranting treatment. However, overdose is not definitive evidence of substance use disorder, as many factors can contribute to an overdose beyond regular opioid use. The proposal raises concerns about the effectiveness and potential harm of mandatory treatment, citing research that shows it may not be beneficial and could increase overdose risks by lowering tolerance during forced detox. The discussion also touches on the importance of Washington State's "Good Samaritan" law providing legal immunity for drug possession in overdose situations where naloxone is administered. The proposal's impact on individuals in shelters who receive naloxone after overdosing is highlighted, emphasizing the potential consequences for those unable to afford housing. The broader context includes discussions around public health emergencies related to opioids and fentanyl crises in Spokane, with concerns raised about the practicality and implications of mandatory treatment measures.

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Spokane, WA







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