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Machete weilding Valley man arrested

Reporter: Cheneyfreepress

 Machete weilding Valley man arrested

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On November 4, 2023, a man named Ivan Zenoskey brandished a machete and pointed it at a store employee in Spokane Valley, Washington. He was arrested but released the next day. The incident occurred when Zenoskey noticed the victim dropping a bag and stared at him before moving in front of the store's entrance with the machete. After a few moments, he put the machete back in his jacket. Additional deputies located Zenoskey and detained him, finding the machete hidden in his boot. Zenoskey initially gave a false name but later admitted to being under the influence of drugs and brandishing the machete at two individuals without provocation. He was charged with Brandishing/Intimidation with a Weapon and released on his own recognizance, raising concerns about the justice system's handling of such cases.

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Spokane Valley, WA







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