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New homeowner frustrated after highly invasive plant sprouts up in backyard: 'My house is littered with it'

Reporter: Thecooldown

 New homeowner frustrated after highly invasive plant sprouts up in backyard: 'My house is littered with it'

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A new homeowner in Spokane, Washington sought advice on Reddit about a plant in their backyard, which turned out to be Japanese knotweed, an invasive species that can be difficult to eradicate. The plant is prohibited in Washington state due to its aggressive nature and potential for habitat degradation and fire hazards. Invasive plants like Japanese knotweed can outcompete native species and cause problems for gardeners. It's essential to research and choose native plant species for gardens as they require less maintenance, save water, and support pollinators. Despite its invasiveness, Japanese knotweed has culinary uses like making ice cream in deserts. However, caution is advised when consuming it due to potential chemical exposure.

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