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Updated 3 months ago

'World's most patient cop' praised for professionalism but 'drunk' man cries foul as arrest video goes viral

Reporter: Yahoo

 'World's most patient cop' praised for professionalism but 'drunk' man cries foul as arrest video goes viral

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A police department in Spokane, Washington released a video showing an allegedly drunken man, Corey Counts, confronting Sgt Eric Kannberg while trying to record 'police misconduct'. Despite initial concerns about the video's release, it garnered praise for Sgt Kannberg's patience and professionalism. The video shows Mr. Counts challenging the officer and eventually being arrested for third-degree assault after slapping Sgt Kannberg's hand. Critics raised issues about privacy and fairness in releasing the footage before Mr. Counts had his day in court. The incident occurred on August 1 and sparked a debate about police bodycam footage and its public release.

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