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14 Days Ago

A new world opens up with bias left at the door

Reporter: Chinadaily

 A new world opens up with bias left at the door

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Isaiah Long, a high school student from Tacoma, Washington, visited China with 23 other students and shared how his perspective changed by experiencing the country firsthand. The group visited landmarks, schools, and interacted with Chinese peers during their 11-day trip. The students appreciated the beauty of China, its welcoming people, and cultural experiences. Some students like Annaliese Colbaugh overcame initial safety concerns and found China to be safe and enjoyable. Jersey Jefferson felt at home in Beijing due to similarities with Washington weather and kind locals. Montserrat Romero-Rocha highlighted the impact of interacting with Chinese peers at Shenzhen Nanshan Foreign Language Senior High School on her desire to return for a longer stay. The principal of Lincoln High School, Karl Hoseth, praised the initiative that allowed US students to visit China and emphasized the value of cultural exchange in shaping future generations. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity provided to his students through this program and looks forward to continued exchanges between China and Lincoln High School.

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Tacoma, WA







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