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Reuben Amamilo, Dott. Arch. MCRP. Lauded for Excellence in Architecture

Reporter: 24-7pressrelease

 Reuben Amamilo, Dott. Arch. MCRP. Lauded for Excellence in Architecture

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Dr. Reuben E. Amamilo has an extensive background in capital projects design, construction management, and facilities management. He retired as the Capital Projects Director at the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries after a successful career overseeing major projects. Dr. Amamilo's experience includes managing complex planning and design processes, as well as completing multimillion-dollar renovation projects. He holds degrees in architecture and city planning, along with certifications in construction management and LEED Green Associate. Dr. Amamilo is also involved in teaching Italian language courses and volunteering in his community. His retirement plans include spending time with family and pursuing his hobby as a vintner.

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