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Hollywood actress Janis Paige’s passing aged 101 sparks flood of ‘last great icon’ tributes

Reporter: Yahoo

 Hollywood actress Janis Paige’s passing aged 101 sparks flood of ‘last great icon’ tributes

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Janis Paige, a Hollywood actress known for her work during the Golden Age of cinema, passed away at the age of 101. Her career spanned six decades and included roles in films, television shows, and Broadway productions. Fans have been paying tribute to her by sharing clips of her classic performances on social media. Janis was a versatile performer who worked with notable figures like Bob Hope and Fred Astaire. In addition to her acting career, she was also involved in the #MeToo movement later in life. Janis Paige's legacy includes a wide range of contributions to the entertainment industry and her personal life included three marriages.

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