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Updated 5 months ago

Tacoma city council meeting disrupted for Palestine!

Reporter: Fightbacknews

 Tacoma city council meeting disrupted for Palestine!

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A group of around 30 people disrupted a Tacoma city council meeting in Washington, demanding that the city issue a statement of support for the Palestinian people and an end to US aid to Israel. Demonstrators chanted slogans outside the Tacoma Municipal Building before moving into the council meeting and making their demands. The majority of council members left the chambers, but one member stayed to hear out the community's demands. The disruption was part of a week of action organised by various groups, including Students for a Democratic Society and National Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression. The protesters linked the situation in Palestine to other struggles for liberation around the world, drawing parallels between the genocide of indigenous people in the US and Palestine. At present, there has been no response from the city of Tacoma regarding these demands.

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