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9 Month Ago

RealWear Hands-Free Wearable Solutions on the Rise in the Bakery Industry

Reporter: Perishablenews

 RealWear Hands-Free Wearable Solutions on the Rise in the Bakery Industry

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RealWear, the pioneer of hands-free wearable computers for frontline professionals, has attracted the attention of Bakery Equipment Manufacturers and Allieds (BEMA), an international trade association representing bakery and food equipment manufacturers. BEMA is hosting sessions focused on RealWear at NEXUS, a baking industry conference organized by BEMA and the American Bakers Association. RealWear's hands-free solution was previously discussed at a panel during BEMA's annual convention in June, where companies such as General Mills and US Bakery highlighted the benefits of using RealWear for maintenance, troubleshooting, and training. RealWear's technology provides real-time access to critical information for workers in high-temperature environments, helping to modernize current practices in baking manufacturing facilities.

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