Type: B Origin: Assembly Wisconsin Comments: 0

Establishing A Flat Individual Income Tax Rate. (Fe)

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AI Summary

The bill aims to set a single flat rate for individual income taxes. This would simplify the tax system by applying the same tax rate to all income levels. The main provision is the establishment of a uniform tax rate for all taxpayers, regardless of their income. This change could potentially impact how individuals are taxed and may lead to changes in overall tax revenue and progressivity.

Bill Activity

  • 2023-01-19: Introduced

  • 2023-01-19: Read first time and referred to Committee on Ways and Means

  • 2023-01-23: Representative Moses added as a coauthor

  • 2023-01-26: Representative Donovan added as a coauthor

  • 2023-02-13: Fiscal estimate received

  • 2023-04-20: Fiscal estimate received

  • 2024-04-15: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1

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