This bill aims to provide additional funds and make changes to appropriations for the Higher Education Policy Commission's Administration Control Account. The main provisions include supplementing existing appropriations for the commission to support its administrative functions effectively. The bill seeks to enhance the commission's ability to manage and oversee higher education policies in line with its mission. Overall, this legislation focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Higher Education Policy Commission in fulfilling its responsibilities.
2024-05-19: Filed for introduction
2024-05-19: Introduced in House
2024-05-19: Immediate consideration
2024-05-19: Reference dispensed
2024-05-19: Read 1st time
2024-05-20: On 2nd reading, Special Calendar
2024-05-20: Read 2nd time
2024-05-20: Amendment reported by the Clerk
2024-05-20: Amendment withdrawn (Voice vote)
2024-05-21: On 3rd reading, Special Calendar
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