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1 Year Ago

Know about USA top most cold towns

Reporter: Pawan Gautam

Know about USA top most cold towns

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The United States is home to a wide variety of climates, with temperatures ranging from well below freezing in the northernmost states to sweltering heat in the south. Some of the coldest towns in the USA are located in Alaska and the northern states of Montana, Minnesota, and North Dakota.

One particularly cold town in Alaska is Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow), which is located above the Arctic Circle. The average temperature in January, the coldest month, is -16.9°F (-27°C). In the winter, the town can see temperatures as low as -60°F (-51°C) and is also known for being very windy.

Another cold town in Alaska is Valdez, which is located on the coast and known for its heavy snowfall. The average temperature in January is around 6°F (-14°C).

In Montana, the town of Browning has the coldest temperature in the lower 48 states. The average temperature in January is -9°F (-23°C). With the surrounding areas of Blackfeet Reservation and Glacier National Park, it sees temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

International Falls, Minnesota, and Bismarck, North Dakota are also known for being extremely cold. The average temperature in January in International Falls is -4°F (-20°C) and Bismarck's -6°F (-21°C). These towns are often affected by Arctic air masses that can bring temperatures well below zero.

It's worth noting that despite the cold temperatures, these towns have residents and often thrive with tourism and other economic activities. Some of the towns have also adapted their daily life to the cold climate for example, Utqiagvik is home to a number of scientific research stations focused on studying the Arctic, while many other towns have developed cold-weather sports such as ice fishing, cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling.

In conclusion, Utqiagvik, Valdez, Browning, International Falls, and Bismarck are among the coldest towns in the USA, with average January temperatures ranging from -16.9°F to -9°F (-27°C to -23°C).

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