Type: B Origin: House USA Comments: 0

Pay Equity For All Act Of 2023

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The "Pay Equity for All Act of 2023" is a federal bill aimed at addressing pay disparities based on gender, race, and other protected characteristics in the workplace. The main provisions of the bill include requiring employers to provide equal pay for substantially similar work, prohibiting retaliation against employees who discuss or disclose their wages, and mandating pay transparency to ensure fairness in compensation practices. This bill seeks to promote equality and eliminate discrimination in wages, potentially leading to a more equitable workforce and closing the wage gap among different demographic groups.

Bill Activity

  • 2023-03-14: Introduced in House

  • 2023-03-14: Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E214)

  • 2023-03-14: Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

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