The "ANIMALS-TECH" bill aims to regulate the use of technology in monitoring and managing animal populations. It focuses on enhancing conservation efforts by utilizing advanced tools like drones, GPS tracking, and other innovations to better understand and protect wildlife. The bill includes provisions for data collection, privacy safeguards, research funding, and collaboration between government agencies and technology developers. If passed, this legislation could significantly improve wildlife conservation strategies through the responsible application of technology.
2022-12-05: Prefiled with Clerk by Rep. Emanuel "Chris" Welch
2023-01-12: First Reading
2023-01-12: Referred to Rules Committee
2023-02-23: Assigned to Executive Committee
2023-03-01: Do Pass / Short Debate Executive Committee; 011-000-000
2023-03-01: Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate **
2023-03-16: Second Reading - Short Debate
2023-03-16: Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate **
2023-03-27: Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
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