This federal bill focuses on appropriations for highway and road projects. It aims to allocate funds for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of highways and roads across the country. The bill includes provisions for funding various infrastructure projects to enhance transportation systems. Its primary goal is to support the development of safe and efficient transportation networks. Overall, the bill seeks to invest in critical infrastructure to promote economic growth, improve connectivity, and ensure public safety on the nation's roads and highways.
2024-01-17: Introduced in House and read first time
2024-01-17: Assigned to House TI Committee
2024-01-17: Assigned to House APPROP Committee
2024-01-17: Assigned to House RULES Committee
2024-01-22: House read second time
2024-01-31: House TI Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (9-1-0-0-0-0)
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