Type: R Origin: House Arkansas Comments: 0

To Recognize The East Poinsett County High School Warriors Football, Basketball, And Tennis Teams For Their Athletic Accomplishments; To Recognize The East Poinsett County School District's Band Program.

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AI Summary

The bill aims to recognize the athletic achievements of the East Poinsett County High School Warriors football, basketball, and tennis teams, as well as acknowledge the excellence of the school district's band program. It emphasizes honoring these groups for their accomplishments in sports and music within the East Poinsett County community. The bill does not propose any specific changes or impacts beyond acknowledging and celebrating these achievements.

Bill Activity

  • 2024-04-30: Filed

  • 2024-04-30: Read the first time, rules suspended, read the second time and referred to the Committee on HOUSE MANAGEMENT

  • 2024-05-01: Returned by the Committee Do Pass

  • 2024-05-02: READ AND ADOPTED.

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