Type: B Origin: House USA Comments: 0

District Of Columbia Code Returning Citizens Coordination Act

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AI Summary

The District of Columbia Code Returning Citizens Coordination Act aims to enhance coordination and support services for individuals returning to the community after incarceration in Washington D.C. It establishes a Returning Citizens Coordination Council to oversee programs aiding reentry, promotes collaboration among relevant agencies, and seeks to improve access to resources for returning citizens. The bill intends to reduce recidivism rates, increase successful reintegration into society, and address challenges faced by formerly incarcerated individuals in the District of Columbia.

Bill Activity

  • 2023-03-27: Introduced in House

  • 2023-03-27: Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E263)

  • 2023-03-27: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

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