Writing Your First Article On Your Towns Wikixm News Platform.

30 September 2022, 05:03 PM 3 minutes

key pointsKey Points
  • We've create an easy to use 5 step writing process
  • We have Beginner to Experienced writing levels layouts
  • Be Confident in your writing - you'll do great!

Interested in talking about a local issue, local school sports update, or just about one of the fun things to do around where you live?

Your WikiXM town news is the perfect place to get heard. 

First of all, don't be intimidated. Make it fun. Put together a topic that you are interested in. 

Initial site steps:

  1. Log in and go to your Profile Overview.
  2. Goto My Articles and hit the Create Article Tab.
    1. If you're new to writing articles try the Beginner Option for your first article. If you have writing experience, choose the Expert option.
      1. Either way, we've created a couple of formatted layout options for you to choose from.
      2. If you don't have any pictures choose the Text View Layout option. If you have pictures to share for your article, choose either the Carousel Layout option (will show all your pictures in a carousel format at the top of your article) or Linear format (will enable you to put your pictures in separate sections so that you can provide a more in-depth explanation for each picture). 
  3. Follow the 5-step article creation process and publish. You can save and/or review it at any time. 

How to write your Article:  

  1. Start with a topic you're interested in - Ex. Sports
  2. Include Pictures or videos (youtube). Great pictures on your topic will improve how many people read your article. 
  3. Start your first paragraph with the 4 W's - Who, what, when & where? Explain each so that readers have a solid understanding of your topic.
  4. The number of following paragraphs is up to you, but go into a further explanation on the topic and provide additional facts ie. (google search your topic) You can add quotes and interviews, and identify the key people or subjects you're referring to accurately and within the community guidelines. 
  5. Before you finish: Proofread your article for accuracy and errors, then finish by reading it out loud to hear how it comes across. 
  6. Before you submit the article save and preview it. Then, please read and accept the Terms of Service & Community Guidelines.
  7. Submit your article to be published. Within 5 minutes, we will review your article and confirm back to you via email if your article was approved and published or sent back with issues to correct. You'll be able to resubmit up to 2 more times. 
  8. Share your article with friends and family. 

Finally, be confident in your writing. The more you post, the better you'll get and the more followers you have. 

Let's get your town talking today! 

If you have any feedback or thoughts on improving our process, go to the Forum and let us know. 


WikiXM Admin

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