RSS feeds
RSS feed approval

WikiXM - RSS Feed

We want to provide as much local information as possible. If you know of any Local News sites that provide daily, weekly, or monthly local content provided by the RSS Feed. We post it to the community to get it validated and once approved, You'll receive 5 points towards your current award level.

Have a local news site like any of the following that you think we could include in our news?
  • Local High School RSS feeds
  • Local City Counsil RSS feeds
  • Local Bloggers that want more viewers
  • Other Local News sites

Provide the RSS link to the site's news feed & we will post the feed to the town. When RSS Feed gets approval from 4 local townspeople, the RSS feed will go live.

You can add your RSS link here:

Choose Levels:

Note: You can submit only one link, and after the approval you can add more.

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