Hummelstown, PA Weather Alerts

Special Weather Statement issued June 24 at 6:41AM EDT

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This week is Lightning Safety Awareness Week in Pennsylvania.

Today's topic: Lightning Safety Introduction.

In the United States, there are between 20 and 25 million cloud
to ground lightning flashes each year. While lightning can be
fascinating to watch, it also is extremely dangerous. Each one
of those 25 million flashes is a potential killer. Based on data
for the least 15 years, lightning has killed more than 400
people in the United States, an average of 29 people per year
based on documented cases. In addition, during this same period,
lightning has injured an estimated 15000 people, some left with
life-long neurological damage.

In addition to the deaths and injuries, lightning causes
considerable damage across the nation. Each year, lightning is
the cause of about 25000 fires. Those fires are responsible for an
additional estimated 12 deaths per year. All totaled, lightning
causes nearly 1 billion dollars in damages each year.

During the next several days, we will provide additional
information on lightning and lightning safety. We will cover what
you can do to protect yourself from this dangerous killer. Most
importantly, we want you to remember that there is no safe place
outside during a thunderstorm.


Lightning fact for today:

The best protection from lightning is a substantial building. If
you can not get inside a substantial building, a hard topped
metal vehicle will protect you from lightning. If the vehicle is
struck, the lightning will follow the outer metal shell of the
vehicle to the ground. It is important to make sure that you are
fully inside the vehicle with the windows rolled up. Note that the
rubber tires do not prevent the vehicle from being struck, nor
do they provide any protection.

Topics we will cover through this week:

Tuesday, Lightning's Most Deadly Activities.
Wednesday, Lightning Safety at Work.
Thursday, Lightning Safety and Sports Activities.
Friday, Lightning Safety Around the Home.

For additional information about lightning and lightning safety,
visit the NOAA lightning safety awareness web site at

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7 days ago

Heat Advisory issued June 20 at 12:16PM EDT until June 22 at 8:00PM EDT

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* WHAT...Heat index values up to 101.

* WHERE...Central Pennsylvania.

* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT Saturday.

* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat

User Icon WikiXM Admin
11 days ago

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