Acton, CA Weather Alerts

Winter Weather Advisory issued January 3 at 2:59AM PST until January 3 at 6:00PM PST

Alert Icon Weather Alerts

* WHAT...Moderate snow expected. Gusty winds up to 55 mph. Total
snow accumulations from around 1 inch at 4000 feet up to of 3 to
5 inches above 5000 feet. Northwest winds will increase to 20 to
35 with gusts up to 55 mph. Isolated to 65 mph possible on
favored peaks and foothill locations.

* WHERE...Santa Barbara County Interior Mountains, Southern
Ventura County Mountains, and the San Gabriel Mountains-

* WHEN...Until 6 PM PST this evening.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, with potential for
delays and closures.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow levels near 5000 feet this morning
will lower to 4000 to 4500 feet late this afternoon and into
this evening. Gusty winds will likely continue across some
mountains areas tonight and into Thursday morning. Some mountain
area could be converted from a winter weather advisory to a
wind advisory.

User Icon WikiXM Admin
8months ago

Heat Advisory issued July 29 at 8:10PM PDT until July 30 at 8:00PM PDT

Alert Icon Weather Alerts

* WHAT...Daytime temperatures ranging from the upper 90s to around
105 in the valleys and 90s to around 102 in the lower mountains.
In addition, warm overnight low temperatures in the 60s and 70s
will offer little reprieve from the heat.

* WHERE...For most valley and mountain areas in Santa Barbara,
Ventura, and Los Angeles Counties.

* WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT Sunday.

* IMPACTS...Hot conditions will increase the risk for heat related
illness for sensitive populations, including the very young, the
very old, and those active outdoors.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS

Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out
of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young
children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles
under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when
possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent
rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone
overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.
Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.

User Icon WikiXM Admin
1 years ago

Heat Advisory issued July 30 at 3:21AM PDT until July 30 at 8:00PM PDT

Alert Icon Weather Alerts

* WHAT...Daytime temperatures ranging from the upper 90s to
around 105 in the valleys and 90s to around 102 in the lower
mountains. In addition, warm overnight low temperatures in the
60s and 70s will offer little reprieve from the heat.

* WHERE...Portions of southwest California.

* WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT this evening.

* IMPACTS...Hot conditions will increase the risk for heat related
illness for sensitive populations, including the very young, the
very old, and those active outdoors.

User Icon WikiXM Admin
1 years ago

Winter Storm Watch issued February 20 at 3:09AM PST until February 25 at 4:00PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA

Alert Icon Weather Alerts

* WHAT...Heavy snow accumulations. Wind gusts up to 70 mph with
dangerous wind chills.

* WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County

* WHEN...From Tuesday evening through Saturday afternoon.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Strong
winds could cause tree damage.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...All mountain roadways will be impacted with
dangerous winter weather conditions, including Intestate 5
through the Grapevine, Highway 14 and Highway 33.

User Icon WikiXM Admin
1 years ago

Winter Storm Warning issued February 20 at 8:25PM PST until February 25 at 4:00PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA

Alert Icon Weather Alerts

* WHAT...Winds gusting as high as 75 mph. Periods of snow. Snow
level falling to 1500 to 2000 feet by Wednesday morning. Snow
accumulations of 1 to 5 inches through Wednesday, then periods
of heavier snowfall into the weekend with fluctuating snow
levels. By Saturday...Multiple feet of snow are possible above
4000 ft and significent snowfall is possible across the major
mtn passes.

* WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County

* WHEN...From 7 PM Tuesday to 4 PM PST Saturday.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Strong
winds could cause tree damage.

User Icon WikiXM Admin
1 years ago