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Georgia - History
We would like to provide the residents of Georgia a basic history overview.
Welcome to the Georgia Home page. The Georgia Home page provides as much information as possible on Georgia. Knowing Georgia’s history is essential to guiding its future. Within Georgia’s Home page, you will also find Georgia’s Founders, Holiday, and Birthday sections.
Georgia has a population of 10711908. Household median income in Georgia is $58,700Georgia’s Ethnic is the following: White(60.2%), Black(32.6%), Hispanic(9.9%), Asian(4.4%), Multiple(2.2%), Native(0.1%).
"Georgia", by Boz Scaggs from Silk Degrees, 1976 "Georgia", by Elton John from A Single Man, 1978 "Georgia", by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark from Architecture & Morality, 1981 "Georgia" (Carolyn Dawn Johnson song), 2000 "Georgia" (Field Mob and Ludacris song), 2005 "Georgia", by Hanson from The Walk, 2007 "Georgia" (Cee Lo Green song), 2010 "Georgia" (Vance Joy song), 2014 "Georgia", by Phoebe Bridgers from Stranger in the Alps, 2017 "Georgia", by Brittany Howard from Jaime, 2019 "Georgia on My Mind", written by Hoagy Carmichael, 1930; official song of the American state of Georgia
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The Georgia founder's page is dedicated to those people in the Georgia area that initially made the Georgia WikiXM news a reality. Without their initiative, foresight and social fortitude the Georgia WikiXM news would not have happened.
Walmart warned that 2025 will be a rollercoaster year for retail sales and that consumer spending may slow due to high prices and potential tariffs. ... Read more
Millennials are moving to large U.S. cities in high numbers, with Seattle and Cambridge leading the pack with 11.51% and 12.15% of their populations,... Read more
The Georgia's Reporters play an important role in keeping their communities informed. They investigate stories, write articles, and inform the public about what is happening in their area.
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