Type: B Origin: House North Carolina Comments: 0

Student Tax Reduction (Star) Act

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The Student Tax Reduction (STAR) Act is a federal bill aimed at providing tax relief for students. The main provisions of the bill include expanding education-related tax credits, such as the American Opportunity Tax Credit, to make higher education more affordable. It also proposes increasing the income threshold for eligibility for these tax credits and simplifying the application process. The STAR Act aims to reduce the financial burden on students and their families by offering tax benefits that can help cover educational expenses. If passed, this bill could have a significant impact on making college more accessible and affordable for students across the United States.

Bill Activity

  • 2023-03-09: Filed

  • 2023-03-14: Passed 1st Reading

  • 2023-03-14: Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House

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