Oregon Education News

Oregon State University research uncovers better way to produce green hydrogen

Published   Jul 25, 2024 12:00AM

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Researchers at Oregon State University have developed a material that shows a remarkable ability to convert sunlight and water into clean energy.

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Researchers at Oregon State University have developed a material that shows a remarkable ability to convert sunlight and water into clean energy.

A collaboration led by Kyriakos Stylianou of the OSU College of Science created a photocatalyst that enables the high-speed, high-efficiency production of hydrogen, used in fu ... Read more

Study of urban moss raises concerns about lead levels in old

Lead levels in moss are as much as 600 times higher in older Portland neighborhoods where lead-sheathed telecommunications cables were once used compared to lead levels in nearby rural areas, a new study of urban moss has found.

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How well does tree planting work in climate change fight? It

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Using trees as a cost-effective tool against climate change is more complicated than simply planting large numbers of them, an international collaboration that includes an Oregon State University scientist has shown.
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Researchers enhance tool to better predict where and when wi

A newly enhanced database is expected to help wildfire managers and scientists better predict where and when wildfires may occur by incorporating hundreds of additional factors that impact the ignition and spread of fire.

CORVAL ... Read more

Researchers record first-ever images and data of a shark experiencing a boat strike

Published   Jul 24, 2024 01:20AM

Researchers have captured what they believe is the first ever video of a shark or any large marine animal being struck by a boat.

NEWPORT, Ore. – Hours after tagging an endangered basking shark off the coast of Ireland in April, researchers captured what they believe is the first ever video of a shark or any large marine animal being struck by a boat.

The data, collected by an activity measurement device similar to a FitBit and a connected camera, provided scientists a unique opportunity to learn mor ... Read more