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3 Year Ago

Other Regions are giving property tax dollars back from schools - Where's our money?

Reporter: JohnS Smith

 Other Regions are giving property tax dollars back from schools - Where's our money?

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  • Naperville, Illinois, the school board announced it would distribute $10 million back to taxpayers this year.
  • School districts owe tax-paying parents a covid-19 refund.
  • We should demand our money back, especially since Teachers apparently are fighting tooth and nail not to go back. 
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Is it just me, or have you been wondering where all your property tax dollars have been going since the lockdowns started?

A lot of our tax dollars go to the schools and a lot of the normal daily expenses haven't been occurring, so where's our money going? 

In places like Naperville, Illinois, the school board announced it would distribute $10 million back to taxpayers this year. Yes, a tax refund.

Steve Hilton, of FoxNews, had it right when he asked, "Why should you pay for service you are not getting?" I don't hear a lot of people asking these questions? But, it's our money, and in the last couple of years, my property taxes have gone thru the roof. So I'd like to know where is all the money that King County has been receiving from property taxpayers and since there should be quite a bit left, why aren't we getting refunds for services not rendered?

Lindsey M. Burke, Ph.D. of the Heritage Foundation seems to agree, in her paper, "School districts owe tax-paying parents a covid-19 refund." Lindsey Burke's argument is that taxpayers should be and are deserving of tax dollars paid into a program without services provided should be refunded. 

At a bare minimum, we as taxpayers should be given a percentage reprive on this year's property taxes since there has to be a positive balance and it would help out all of us. 

We should demand our money back, especially since Teachers apparently are fighting tooth and nail not to go back. 

Related : Kids need to go back to school


Opinion Reporter

Issaquah, WA

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