Type: B Origin: House Wyoming Comments: 0

Behavioral Health Redesign Amendments.

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AI Summary

The "Behavioral Health Redesign Amendments" bill aims to enhance and restructure mental health and substance abuse services in the United States. The key provisions include improving access to behavioral health services, expanding treatment options, integrating mental health care into primary care settings, and enhancing coordination among various healthcare providers. This bill seeks to address gaps in the current system, promote better outcomes for individuals with behavioral health needs, and reduce stigma associated with mental illness. If passed, the bill could lead to improved overall well-being and quality of life for those seeking behavioral health services.

Bill Activity

  • 2023-11-30: Bill Number Assigned

  • 2024-01-24: Received for Introduction

  • 2024-02-12: Failed Introduction 40-21-1-0-0

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