Type: B Origin: House Arizona Comments: 0

Wage History; Disclosure; Retaliation; Prohibition

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This federal bill aims to address wage history disclosure and retaliation in the workplace. It prohibits employers from seeking or relying on an applicant's wage history during the hiring process. Additionally, it protects employees from retaliation for discussing their wages. The key provisions include banning inquiries about past salaries, ensuring pay transparency, and prohibiting reprisals against employees who discuss compensation. This bill seeks to promote fair pay practices and prevent discrimination based on prior salary information.

Bill Activity

  • 2024-01-17: Introduced in House and read first time

  • 2024-01-17: Assigned to House COM Committee

  • 2024-01-17: Assigned to House RULES Committee

  • 2024-01-22: House read second time

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