Type: R Origin: House Arkansas Comments: 0

Congratulating Brenda Huett, R.n., Upon Her Retirement And Commending Her For Forty-Five Years Of Service As A Registered Nurse.

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AI Summary

The bill aims to congratulate Brenda Huett, R.N., for her 45 years of service as a registered nurse and honor her upon retirement. It recognizes her dedication and contributions to the nursing profession. The main provision is to commend Brenda Huett for her long-standing commitment to healthcare. The bill does not propose any significant impacts or changes beyond acknowledging and appreciating Brenda Huett's career in nursing.

Bill Activity

  • 2024-05-01: Filed

  • 2024-05-01: Read the first time, rules suspended, read the second time and placed on the CALENDAR.

  • 2024-05-02: READ AND ADOPTED.

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